How’s Retirement?

I’ve known Miles for 30 years. Earlier in my career I taught his children. He’s 67. Miles had a parcel of land for sale. My son was interested in looking at it and he invited me along. When we arrived Miles met us and we shook hands. Although I have know him for over half… Continue reading How’s Retirement?

I Crossed the Line

From 1983 – 1986 I taught in Newfoundland. As a result, I had to take a leave-of-absence from the Naval Reserve. During the winter of 85/86 I applied to return to the reserves. It was required to complete some paperwork and pass a physical exam, and all of this was arranged through the Armed Forces… Continue reading I Crossed the Line

To the Rescue

One day after school I was working in my classroom. All was quiet when I recognized a voice in the hallway. It was a colleague and I could tell that he was on a rant. I didn’t know who he was talking to but I was thankful it wasn’t me. After a few minutes I… Continue reading To the Rescue

Stand Corrected

I called a retired friend the other day. He had a phone number I needed. I placed the call at 8:30 in the morning. “I hope I am not calling too early?” “No. I have been up for a while.” He gave me the phone number I needed but I could hear his wife correcting… Continue reading Stand Corrected